Continuous educational continuum is the basis of the quality of education

  • Shumatov V.B.

    Pacific National Medical University
    Russia, Vladivostok

  • Krukovich E.V.

    Pacific National Medical University
    Russia, Vladivostok

  • Trusova L.N.

    Pacific National Medical University
    Russia, Vladivostok

  • Rasskazova V.N.

    Pacific National Medical University
    Russia, Vladivostok


The current structure and technology of the educational system of the University are the State policy in the field of higher education, which emphasizes the role of human capital as the main factor of economic development. The continuous development of the educational continuum Medical University is the determining factor in quality training and competitive students.

Keywords: continuing professional education; the quality of education; innovative development; an educational continuum; Medical University.